
It happened. For the first time this year, I completely forgot to write a post.I missed one post earlier this year, but I knew I'd missed it. I was simply too tired to write it by the time I got back to my hotel and fell asleep. I tried to catch up over the next couple of days, but finally realized that wasn't gonna happen.This time, I simply forgot.As I've noted, I started a new job this week, and it's challenging and exciting. I'll be traveling a lot, and then working from home the rest of the time. Therein lies the rub.When I work from home, I get even more absorbed in the work and end up realizing at 3 p.m. that I haven't eaten lunch yet. In everything I'm doing, it's just one more thing, one more thing, one more thing before I get up to get something to drink, go to the bathroom, stretch my legs - whatever. In fact, right now, I've been sitting at my desk for 40 minutes instead of making my oatmeal and eating breakfast.Problem is, I'm very absent-minded. It's one of the reasons I was concerned about my ability to do this #YearOfWriting - would I remember to do it every day? That's why I announced it publicly. Public pressure will help keep me going on this.But I need to find a way to get my work done, treat myself right, and also stay true to my desires to write every day.I don't know if I'll write later today. Probably not.But we're nearly a third of the way through the year and I've only missed two days. I'll take that as a win anyway.Photo by Alexis Mire via Flickr Creative Commons.


Sometimes I hate that I decided to write every day


I'm home again